Preparing Your Furniture for SelfStorage: A Comprehensive Guide

Published on 12/15/2023

Preparing Your Furniture for SelfStorage: A Comprehensive Guide

As we navigate through the ebbs and flows of life, there often comes a time when we need to stow away our furniture temporarily. Whether you're moving, downsizing, or just creating more space at home, selfstorage can be a gamechanger. However, proper preparation is key to ensuring your furniture remains in pristine condition during its time in storage. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential steps to prepare your furniture for selfstorage.

1. Clean and Dust Everything

 1.1 A Fresh Start

Before storing any furniture, ensure that each piece is thoroughly cleaned and dusted. Lingering dust or grime can lead to deterioration over time. Wipe down surfaces with appropriate cleaning agents, and allow the furniture to dry completely.

2. Disassemble Larger Pieces

2.1 Maximizing Space

To make the most of your storage space, consider disassembling larger furniture items. Remove legs, detachable shelves, or any components that can be taken apart. This not only saves space but also reduces the risk of damage during transportation.

3. Use Quality Packing Materials

3.1 Shielding Against Scratches

Invest in highquality packing materials such as bubble wrap, furniture blankets, and plastic covers. Use these materials to wrap and protect each piece individually. This extra layer acts as a barrier against scratches and minimizes the impact of external elements.

4. Choose Appropriate Storage Containers

4.1 Optimal Containers for Different Items

Selecting the right storage containers is crucial. For smaller items, sturdy boxes with proper sealing are sufficient. However, for more delicate pieces, consider utilizing climatecontrolled storage units to protect against temperature and humidity fluctuations.

5. Apply Furniture Polish

5.1 Preserving Wood Finishes

For wooden furniture, applying a coat of furniture polish adds an extra layer of protection. This helps preserve the wood finish and acts as a deterrent against pests that might be drawn to the natural materials.

6. Mindful Furniture Placement

 6.1 Avoiding Compression Damage

When placing furniture in storage, be mindful of how items are positioned. Avoid stacking heavy items on delicate pieces, as this could lead to compression damage or warping. Place heavier items at the bottom and fragile pieces on top.

7. Protect Upholstered Furniture

7.1 Safeguarding Fabrics

Upholstered furniture requires special attention. Vacuum the fabric thoroughly to remove any potential food particles that might attract pests. Consider using fabric protection spray to guard against moisture and stains.

8. Labeling for Easy Retrieval

8.1 Simplifying the Unpacking Process

As you prepare each piece, label it appropriately. Clearly mark boxes and items with their contents to simplify the retrieval process when you eventually need to unpack. This small step can save you significant time and effort later on.

9. Consider Insurance Coverage

9.1 Ensuring Peace of Mind

While preparing your furniture for storage, consider obtaining insurance coverage. While selfstorage facilities are generally secure, unforeseen events can occur. Insurance provides an additional layer of protection and peace of mind.


Preparing your furniture for selfstorage requires time and effort, but the payoff is the assurance that your prized possessions will emerge from storage unscathed. By following these steps, you set the stage for a seamless storage experience, allowing you to navigate life's transitions with confidence.


Q: Can I store my furniture in a regular storage unit?

A: Yes, you can use a regular storage unit, but for delicate or sensitive items, a climatecontrolled unit is recommended.

Q: How often should I check on my furniture in storage?
A: Periodic checks every 36 months are advisable to ensure your furniture remains in good condition.

Q: Is it necessary to disassemble furniture before storing it?

A: Disassembling larger furniture items can save space and reduce the risk of damage during storage and transportation.

4. Q: Are there any specific cleaning agents recommended for furniture?

A: Use mild cleaning agents suitable for the material of your furniture. Avoid harsh chemicals that could damage surfaces.

5. Q: Can I store mattresses in selfstorage?

A: Yes, mattresses can be stored, but it's recommended to use mattress covers to protect against dust and moisture.