Moving expenses add up quickly. There’s so many last minute items that need to be bought and people tend to splurge out of convenience due to moving exhaustion. To save your family some money, start thinking about your move ahead of time and try these 5 tips!
Hosting a garage sale to earn a little extra cash for your move is a great idea! You never truly know how much your home holds until you have to move it all. As you’re cleaning items out, put items you no longer need in a pile and save them up for a garage sale. Whatever you don’t sell, donate.
Typical moving season is between May and September. If you’re able to move outside of these months, your moving rates will generally be lower.
If you are moving for a job, it’s possible your company will help offset moving expenses. Make sure to bring this up prior to your move so that you’re able to provide all receipts and credentials for proper reimbursement.
One of the worst situations to find yourself in is having furniture that is too large to fit into your new space. Before moving, measure your furniture and compare it to the door frame and other angles you may incur with rotating the furniture. Think about stairwells and hallways, too! If your space is too small you may have to sell your couch or table and buy a new one on the yourself the hassle and check measurements ahead of time!
People move all the time. Before you go to the store and buy new packing boxes and tape, ask around to family and friends to see if they have any materials they no longer need. This is cost effective and eco-friendly. A win-win!
As always, if you need a place to store your items in between houses, we’re here for you. Contact us today!