What You Can't Store in A Storage Unit
Published on 11/4/2022
Regardless of the motivations behind your search for a self-storage unit, we may guess that you fall
somewhere between the info-savvy and street-smart side of the spectrum. Thus, you probably don't
need to be reminded that you can't store pets, stolen goods, or objects that could explode in a self-
storage facility. Right?
These lists are beneficial, but we want to put things in a different perspective: What would these "dos
and don'ts" storage tip lists actually mean to you, the average person trying to secure their things and
stay clear of any unwanted storage blunders? Let's find out, then!
It’s a NO for Hazardous Substances in Storage Units
The simple guideline is: if it can catch fire or explode, don't do it. These lists can be lengthy. This includes
paint, oil, grease, chemicals, cleansers, and aerosols. It also contains gasoline and propane.
Are you storing art supplies? This means that you won't be able to keep mineral spirits or paint thinner.
Are you carrying stuff from the bathroom or kitchen? Aerosol sprays (including hairspray and cooking
spray) and nail polish remover should be left out.
Do you desire a place to keep your lawn equipment? Before storage, make sure it's completely empty of
oil and fuel.
Reminder, Non-hazardous substance, such as non-toxic paint or beauty products, should be stored in
airtight containers or bags so that any spills or leaks are controlled.
We've heard some bizarre stories of folks who took the notion of self-storage literally, living in their unit
with their dogs or themselves. We probably don't need to explain why this is a terrible idea, so don't do
it. The same is true for plants. They will not only perish, but their soil will collect moisture, which can
lead to mold, mildew, and pests.
If you follow our suggestion and remove plants from their containers before storing them, be sure to
thoroughly clean and dry the containers. Even little quantities of soil, dirt, or water can cause moisture
to build up and attract bugs.
Food that must be refrigerated in a refrigerator is perishable. Meat, dairy, and produce, therefore,
should not be kept, even in a short-term cooler. Non-perishable goods, on the other hand, may be safely
stored, especially if maintained in sealed containers.
Do you want dry goods storage? People are becoming more interested in preserving non-perishable
food (freeze-dried, dehydrated) for emergency preparedness. While these goods should be acceptable
to store, keep in mind that rice and other grains, powdered milk, packaged meals, flour, and pet foods
might get rancid, smell, and attract mice and bugs. Also, if you must keep dry products, use glass or very
thick plastic containers. Rodents can sniff (and chew) through thin and even thicker "cereal type" plastic
containers that you may believe are sufficiently thick.
We're simply included this here to cover all bases and present an extensive list of what you can't store,
so we'll keep it brief and omit a bonus tip: If anything can intentionally harm someone or is illegal, it
doesn't belong in a storage unit. The conclusion.
Are you keeping seasonal or summer items? Make sure there are no tiny pyrotechnics (such as poppers
or sparklers) in your July 4th or New Year's Eve containers.
Do you have a car in storage? Just keep in mind that whatever vehicle you store, whether it's a boat, RV,
trailer, motorbike, car, or truck, must be fully registered, insured, and in working order. It must also be
registered in the name of the individual renting the storage unit. (Don't forget to drain the oil and full
before you start.)
So, these aren't classic "you can't store this" products, but trust us when we say you don't want to make
the mistake of keeping objects that are moist (even damp) or have strong odors. We like educating
people about this topic because it is frequently neglected. Here are some items you can’t store:
Incense, strong soaps and lotions, candles, oils, perfumes, and even strong spices.
If you're moving on a wet, rainy day, make sure you bring a couple extra towels to dry off any damp
goods - and then take those towels home with you. Don't just dump them into a storage unit corner!
Wet = BAD
Once you've determined what you can and cannot store in your self-storage unit, be sure it's secure and
insured by self-storage insurance.